I like many of the ideas people are giving me. His learning to respect my words and do what I tell him is important.
For the people who wanted to see my feet - I like that idea and will do a photo shoot soon and post my favorite shoes here. I think one on his cock in the cage is a good idea. Some of the other things like making him a woman or shaving his legs are not for me. I like him like a man except that I must control his sex.
The chance for him to get out of the cage is a problem to me. I need ideas on this as he has offered to do the piercing for my birthday. I think it is a good present but I don't know which one. I don't want to damage him as I very much like using his cock for my pleasure.
lock your bedroom door. if your child knocks, he can get up and open the door and put the pillow and blanket on the bed, if, if you have allowed him to use one or both. your decisioon. there are a thousand punishments. this is only one idea. however, it does not cause severe pain and won't be sexually exciting for him. it also, lasts a long time , which stimulates thoughtful contrition.
pleased that you don't want to feminize him, but you must knock the male cockiness out of him.
Thank you for the idea. You say there are thousands of punishments. What else do you think? He works hard so I don't want him too tired and we have a kid. Thanks.
you need a set of rules and obligations before you establish a disciplinary system. i think your contract is more of a fantasy than a map for your marraige. you don't want a slave. you want an obedient, deferential husband. i can tell from your response to making him spend a night on the floor.
so to start, decide if you want this to be confined to sex and the bedroom or to your whole marraige. next, if you want it beyond sex, decide how tight a leash you want. do you want him to treat you like a commanding officer or do you want him to treat you the way an old fashioned wife treated her husband. with some outline of your goals, you can develop a program.
reason i thought he must be punished is that he committed a major felony by disobeying you on the most important point, how he could touch you sexually.
you may be too kind for a lot of this. if so, think about toning it down. but he must have one day off from work so that he could lose some sleep. as for the child, how would she know?
I agree with the last comment quite a bit although you are new to this so I'd cut you more slack. At this point, I think you need to do something to surprise him that is a deep desire of yours. Test this and see if it is just a kinky game that will fade or a truly new lifestyle choice. The piercings he fantasizes over could be good but you need to do one for you. What is that? An early one could be any of those items on you poll. Think of something you want very much that will challenge his real comitment to this.
Milk him for a week and save up all his cum. Don't let him cum in you either. Save it all and pour it on a salad at a restaurant. That is how you show him control. If he doesn't eat it, no sex for a month but make him fuck you with a strap-on. The power you will get from this will take you to new highs. Trust me on this one.
- MistressM
The way to make him suffer would be to not tease him for a whole week or touch him in anyway while locked in the cage.
My rules and obligations are for him to stop begging me when I don't want to do something and to get control over his desire for me to do something to him.
As for something that I want that I don't think he wants, it would be to fuck him in the ass. There we go.
Eating his spunk on a salad? No. Not for me.
right. do it tonight. make him clean himself up (enema and bath plus a little perfume). when he is ready, blindfold him, bend him over (perhaps tied) and in you go. don't let him see the dildo until you are finished.
I think you are missing a good chance to turn this from a game to something bigger but different strokes for different folks. With what you wrote, I think you should tie his hands and have fun with him
Do everything that you want but don't let him cum. When you eventually get to the end, ruin his orgasm and put him back away for the next nights play. He can't assume he gets to cum everyrime. That will help get him more to your liking.
- MistressM
Your approval of him and his actions are what he craves the most. If you are unhappy and show him, he too will be unhappy. I know from personal experience that when my GODDESS withdraws her attention to me and ignores me it makes me feel like crap, he craves you use that as punishment.
1. You want to "fuck him in the ass" and know he does not like that.
2. He violates Your rules about a major tenant of the contract.
My idea, do not allow an orgasm until he submits to what You want. Make him beg You to fuck him in the ass before You allow him an orgasm. This way he learns Your needs/wants first before his desires.
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