Since I didn't have much time with him today, to keep the blog interesting, I wanted to chat about an idea in the files sent to me by a reader. The way to do bondage with plastic wrap. It sounded pretty interesting and something I need to try someday soon. Have any of you tried it? If so, I'd love to hear how it went. It seems right up my alley.
Here are the instructions on how to do it:
Starting at the shoulders, wrap it around a few times in the same place to anchor it. From there, go around the body until you reach the top of his legs. Once here, you need to decide whether to wrap the legs separately or together. From there, go down to the feet. Once mummified, use scissors to cut away the plastic wrap from the nipples so that you can play with them. You may also want to free his genitals in the same manner for the same reason. Filling the butt with a butt plug or prostate massager before wrapping him up is a good idea as well.
Once wrapped, get out the hair dryer. Using a high, hot setting, aim it at your saran-wrapped partner. Be careful not to hold it so close as to burn him. What you are trying to do is shrink down the saran wrap even more. Once done, you have a shrink-wrapped partner. Be sure not to blow dry his genitals and be very careful not to melt the plastic wrap.
Cara Bermain Bola Tangkas
Bаgі para ресіntа Bоlа Tаngkаѕ dі ѕеluruh Indоnеѕіа. Kаmі аkаn mеmbеrіkаn
tutоrіаl раnduаn cara bеrmаіn tаngkаѕ kераdа anda. Dan kаmі jugа аkаn
memberikan ...
9 years ago
Yes, we have played with plastic wrap. Here's a few tips to try.
Before applying wrap, tape areas (nipples/crotch) to be exposed after the wrapping is done.
Start the wrapping in a standing position until the lower legs are all that remains. This allows the submissive to turn around to help with the wrapping.
Buy shrink wrap from a shipping supply... It's stronger and wider.
I would love Lady B to do this to me. I'm letting her know about this post!! The loss of control is what this would be all about and is that not what we are all tryng to achieve as a chuckold or Slave!
I think gagged and blindfolded with ears blocked off with mp3 player plug in so you could not figure what would happen next.
This would really top this all off.
But I will tell her about your post. We are fairly new into this lifestyle I've even created her own Blog Tribute that we now both work on with her direction. She would love it if you would give her some advice, when you can.
Awesome idea! I will definitely bring this up to my Goddess. Always was interested in being in a bondage mummification for a inexpensive way. this will do! Also great idea on the prostate messager inserted before mummified. Well here's my D/s chastity blog if you're interested :)
Thank you for the great ideas. This seems like a fun thing to try.
What if he has to pee? Diaper him before?
Mistress Denise
Good question.
I've been wrapped... but never with the hair-dryer "closer"... nice!!
Yes, leave a few holes for You to play in... :)
An interesting developement in your relationship, introducing a level of helpless into his role . . . . . this of course could evolve into heavier [& more expensive] things such as rubber or leather sleepsacks, giving total enclosure, sensory deprivation & minimal movement on subs part. It would perhaps add an interesting addition to your party to have hub on display in such a restricted position, as most bags have zippered portals that allow for play opps.
Once wrapped try some breath play. Use the blow dryer not only to tighten up the wrap the heat is a rush if blowing between the legs.I've had this done to me an it is very enjoyable.
Once wrapped try some breath play. Use the blow dryer not only to tighten up the wrap the heat is a rush if blowing between the legs.I've had this done to me an it is very enjoyable.
Once wrapped try some breath play. Use the blow dryer not only to tighten up the wrap the heat is a rush if blowing between the legs.I've had this done to me an it is very enjoyable.
Once wrapped try some breath play. Use the blow dryer not only to tighten up the wrap the heat is a rush if blowing between the legs.I've had this done to me an it is very enjoyable.
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